Friday, April 28, 2023

Amazing April Work

The school year is flying by.  Here's what SAIL has been up to this month.  4th Grade ELA students wrote a lighthouse poem inspired by The Lighthouse by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  

Portland Headlight 1.JPG

4th Grade math students learned about how the Fresnel lens revolutionized the light of lighthouses.  Next month, students will learn about renewable energy involving tides.  Check back next month as we build a tidal turbine!

ELA 5th graders are exploring many topics.  Narragansett students are writing myths.  Great Falls students are reading Elijah of Buxton, a story about a boy who is the first child born into freedom in Buxton, Canada.  Village students finished their book study, A Mango Shaped Space, where a girl learns to appreciate her gift of synesthesia.  


5th-grade math students learned about coordinate planes, ordered pairs, the x-axis, and the y-axis.  They applied this knowledge to the game Battleship.


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Magnificent March!

 5th graders finished their Food Truck units.  Students celebrated their Food Truck projects with friends.  They shared their business plans, took "food" orders, and added/subtracted decimals using money.  It was a fun way to have math come to life.  


5th Grade ELA students learned how to enrich their writing with alliteration.  We learned Amanda Gorman, a famous poet overcame her speech challenge by using alliteration.  Students discovered that speech teachers use alliteration to practice a particular sound that students struggle with.  The fifth grade made a connection between alliteration and tongue twisters.  They created a book Gorham elementary speech teachers could use.   

                                                        Mrs. Larochelle (Narragansett)

Mrs. Schlegel

                                                                Mrs. Goodwich (Village)

                                                           Mrs. Miller (Great Falls)


                                                            Mrs. Lamanna (Great Falls) 

4th Grade Math students discovered Shpero/Indie.  Maine schools received a grant to purchase these kits through "Expanding Access to Computer Science in Maine Classrooms."  Students explored how they worked and how computer science is connected to their lives.  

4th Grade ELA students analyzed a poem from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Lighthouse.  This aligns with the Maine History unit in their classrooms.  

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5th Grade Food Truck Update

In the fall, Village School toured Mow's Munchies.  Mow's Munchies challenged Village students to create a new menu item.  They came up with different burger recipes and voted on... the Potato Tornado!  Check it out on Mow's 2023 summer menu!
