Friday, May 29, 2020

Math Movement Monday - garden hose run

Happy Monday!  This week you're reviewing math skills.   Here's a cool activity while you review.  

1. Put on your bathing suit.
2. Get your garden/water hose ready (you will need someone to hold it for you outside)
3. Solve a math problem from last week (use paper or sidewalk chalk)
4. Run into cool stream of water
5.  Repeat!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Friday Check In with ME

Happy Friday Everyone!  Mrs. Knott and I wanted to wish you a great weekend.  Go outside and have some fun!
Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Word Wednesday - chronic

Hi Everyone!  Let's add chronic to your vocabulary list.

chronic (adjective) - 1.  always present or encountered
                                         2.  lasting a long time

Try out this fun water activity to remember your new vocabulary word.  Have fun!
Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday Check In - Frozen T-shirt Fun

It's Friday and the long weekend is here!  Try out this "cool" and "refreshing"activity.  Have a wonderful weekend!
Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Word Wednesday - mutual

Can folding laundry be fun?  Yes, it can!  This week's word is mutual.  Here's a fun way to remember mutual using socks and a laundry basket.  I challenge you to use it in your writing. Check out the video!  

mutual (adjective) - 1. having the same feeling toward each other 
                                 2. done, felt, or shared by two people or groups

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Monday, May 18, 2020

Math Movement Monday

Hi Everyone!  We are staring another week off with our math movement activity.  Let's get our minds and our bodies moving!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday Check In

Happy Friday!  Mrs. Knott and I miss you!  Have a wonderful weekend.

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Word Wednesday - intercede

It's Word Wednesday!  I challenge you to use this week's vocabulary word, intercede, in your classroom writing.  Enjoy the video!

intercede (verb) - to come between two people or groups in order to settle a  disagreement 

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify:

Monday, May 11, 2020

Math Movement Monday

It's Monday morning and let's get our bodies moving this week in math.  Check out the video of a fun way to do math this week.  Enjoy!
Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 
Attachments ar

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday Check In - Origami flower for Mother's Day

Happy Friday!  

This weekend is Mother's Day.  My video shows you an origami flower you can make.  Click on the link below to watch the video.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify:

Here's the How to Fold: Origami Flower  video link:

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Word Wednesday - Bowling

strive (verb) - to make a great effort to do or get something 

Watch the video for a fun way to practice spelling/defining strive by bowling.  Yes, I did say bowling.  I hope you strive to use new vocabulary in your writing.  Have fun!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Math Movement Monday - Balancing Act

It's another Math Monday to start your week off.  Do you like to balance stuff on your head?  Well, here's a fun and safe way to do just that.  When you complete a math problem, take a pillow and .... watch the video to find out more.  Have a great Monday everyone!
Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify:
Attachments area

Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday Check In - Eww... Is that a bug?

Hi Everyone,
It's Friday, May 1st. Wow!  I can't believe May is here.  Mrs. Knott and I wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend.  Please remember that OPTIONAL math and ELA activities are available Monday mornings in the SAIL Google Classroom.  If you would like to create the origami caterpillar in my video, go to the SAIL Classroom and click on the Ian Byrd link in today's stream.  Have fun!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: