Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tennis Anyone?

It's Word Wednesday and today's vocabulary word is...

wither (verb) - 1. to dry up or shrivel
                                 2. to fade or become weak

You can do this activity with a partner or by yourself.  If you don't have a tennis ball, no worries, any ball will do.  Have fun!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Math Movement Monday

Spinning Half-Jack

Hello!  Mrs. Knott and I hope you had a great break.  A Spinning Half-Jack is your movement activity today.  Please make sure you have enough space for moving your arms and have fun!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday - April 17th

Have a wonderful break!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify:
Attachments are

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Vocabulary Word Wednesday

Frisbees and Vocabulary  (Yes, you read that right!)

Hello Everyone!  Have you injected vocabulary words ample, concession, and boon into your writing?  Here is this week's word.

notion (noun) - 1. an idea, belief, or view
                           2.  a fanciful desire; whim

Let's continue to strengthen your brain and your body!  The more you move as you spell and define the word,  the more you'll remember its meaning. This time we'll use frisbees.  No frisbees?  No problem!  You can repurpose plastic covers from containers. Watch the video and have fun!😊

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Math Movement Monday

Mountain Climbers

Good Morning!  Here's another activity to move when you're doing math this week.   You can do it!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday Check In

How are you doing?

Hi Friends.  This week we learned that we will finish the school year by teaching remotely.  This was a very tough decision, but it was the right decision.   Your safety is our priority.  Please check out the video below.  Remember we are in this together!  
                  Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify:

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Word Wednesday - Vocabulary Fun

Football Dash 

Happy Wednesday!  Here's another vocabulary word to add to your list.  Remember I challenge you to plug it into your writing this week.  

boon (noun) - something that makes life easier or better

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Math & Movement Monday

Side Shuffle Forward/Grapevine 

Good Morning!  Here is an activity to get your mind and body moving this week.  This movement can be done with any math problem you are working on.  Have fun!

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify: 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday Check in

Are you keeping a journal?

Happy Friday Everyone!  Mrs. Knott and I were wondering if you were keeping a journal during this time.  Enjoy the video.

Check out this video I recorded with Screencastify:

P.S. Can you guess who's birthday is today? 

ME turns two years old.